of All-Time! Much-Loved by All Faithful
& Enthusiastic GO! Evangelists!

The contents of All Language Tracts are the SAME as the English tracts.
All orders are shipped in the available assortment of covers.
Special requests can be made by using the form on the contact page.
Total Combined GO! Gospel Tracts SOLD AS OF TODAY:
Over 12 Million Tracts
NEW! GO! Evangelism Book Published in English
317 Paperback Pages, Now Being Sold at
Below are reviews from numerous Amazon readers who were challenged by reading our newly published GO! Evangelism Book.
You can read many more
Great Reviews on Amazon
You Plant the Seeds of the Gospel with Smile.
God will make them Grow!
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.
(1 Corinthians 3:6-8)
All Gospel Bible Tract Languages
All Online-Only Gospel Bible Tracts Are In Green.

“I have never found a Gospel Tract that so completely and clearly explains how to get saved and with such attractive colors, graphics, and the most powerful message that will draw people to read them. My burden and prayer is, Lord, Give Me Souls!”
Rev. Goodwin, Livingstone, TX
“I really love your tracts – very concise in the message – sin, mercy, grace, Christ, and eternal salvation. Thanks!”
Martin, San Diego, CA
“Your GO! Tracts are very concise, clear, draws curiosity and lots of people in Europe and in San Francisco Bay Area cities are receptive to it. Thank you, blessings.”
Erwin, San Francisco, CA
The Following Represent Some of the Faithful GO! Evangelists
Planting the SEEDS of the Eternal Life!

There is a Great Blessing in Leading People to Christ.
Sharing it will not only Bless Many Others – It Will Bless You Abundantly!
The Greatest Gift that one can give is to lead a person to receive eternal life.
So the Work of Soul Winning Evangelism is Greatly Fulfilling and Satisfying.
As you hold in your hand GO! Gospel Tracts, Biblically Solid and Powerful Message –
This GO! Gospel Tract has the Powerful Message to Save Many Perishing Lives.
Hand Out GO! Gospel Bible Tracts, the “Seed of Eternal Life”
with a Sincere and Very Pleasant Smile And Say
“Hi, I would like to share Good News with you.” or simply
“Hi, I Have Good News for you!”
If they ask, “What is it about?” Tell them the Truth.
“It is a Gospel Bible Tract. It will show you How to Get to Heaven.”

Hand Out GO! Gospel Bible Tracts, the “Seed of Eternal Life” with a Sincere and Very Pleasant Smile And Say “Hi, I would like to share Good News with you.” or simply
“Hi, I Have Good News for you!”
If they ask, “What is it about?” Tell them the Truth.
“It is a Gospel Bible Tract. It will show you How to Get to Heaven.”
Why GO! Evangelism Gospel Bible Tracts?
God Provided Us with Powerful Seeds of the Gospel –
GO! Gospel Bible Tracts, with 12 to 24 Colorful Pages.
A Biblically Solid and Powerful Message,
Armed with About 1,300 words, In Over 60 Major Languages.
As you plant the Seeds of the Gospel,
you will do exactly what the Lord commanded.
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)
It is Jesus’s command to all His followers/disciples to spread His teachings to all the nations
of the world. It is a personal instruction from Jesus Christ and a special calling to His Disciples.
Jesus calls every Christian to Step Out in Faith and Spread the Good News.
Many Souls without knowing Jesus are dying every day, GOING TO HELL.
Souls are Lost in Sin! Souls without Jesus Christ are Perishing Forever!
This is why we Christians Must Get Busy Spreading the Gospel to All Perishing Souls!
We Pray that God will Raise Up Many More GO! Evangelists throughout the United States and
Around the World to Save Countless Perishing Souls who Desperately Need Jesus Christ.
“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”
(Revelation 22:12)